A distant view of an abandoned whaling station along the shoreline, with rusted buildings and tanks, nestled beneath fog-covered mountains.

Exploring Gritviken: The Administrative Centre of South Georgia

A Necessary Stop in South Georgia

We woke to the ship anchored off the coast of Gritviken, once a bustling whaling station and now the administrative centre of South Georgia. Expedition ships are required to visit Gritviken for biosecurity checks and to clear customs. Every crevice in our muckboots and every patch of velcro was meticulously scrutinised.
A group of people in outdoor gear inspecting Velcro straps for contaminants, with one person using a headlamp for better visibility.

A person kneeling and using a headlamp and flashlight to inspect boots for contaminants in a locker room.
From the ship, we could hear the calls of fur seals and catch glimpses of them swimming around the vessel.
A lone seal swimming in calm turquoise waters.
This year’s landing at Gritviken was different due to avian flu restrictions. Unlike last year, when we could roam freely between sites, this time, passengers had to choose between visiting the museum or Shackleton’s grave. Zodiacs were available to shuttle passengers between the two, but you couldn’t walk between them as you could before (due to avian flu). It was raining lightly and my cold had gotten worse, so I decided to skip the landing and rest up for the afternoon excursion. (I’d also seen it last year) Andy ventured ashore for a short hike to a waterfall before visiting the grave of the legendary explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton.
A decaying whaling station with rusted ships, tanks, and buildings along a shoreline, surrounded by green hills. Seals are scattered on the beach and in the water in the foreground.
Close-up of rusted industrial machinery at an abandoned whaling station, with corroded metal parts and weathered surfaces.
A brown duck standing on wet concrete in front of rusted industrial machinery, with raindrops falling around it.
A wet fur seal pup resting on green grass, with raindrops falling around it. Other seals are blurred in the background.
A white wooden church with a steeple, marked "Anno 1913," standing on a grassy hillside beneath fog-covered mountains.
A small cascading stream flowing through lush green grass, rocks, and moss-covered terrain on a hillside.
A stone memorial dedicated to explorer Ernest Shackleton, set on a bed of rocks and surrounded by a wooden fence, with grassy hills and a white cross visible in the background.

Close-up of an engraved quote by Robert Browning on a stone memorial, reading: "I hold... that a man should strive to the uttermost for his life's set prize."
As we left Gritviken, the clouds lifted revealing enormous snow-covered mountains.
Snow-capped mountain peaks in South Georgia rise majestically, partially shrouded by clouds.

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