Top Images of 2016

2016 seemed a little less hectic than the past two years. I boarded 81 flights that traveled 180,000 kilometres, visited seven countries (including 2 new ones), and logged 34 dives. Image wise, 2016 was all about water. Here are my favourites.

The Humpback Mum and Calf (from our trip to Tonga)

Humpback Whales in Tonga

The whales also got a lot of love on social media, like when Discover Ocean reposted this one and it got 31k likes

The Moody Black and White Whale Shot (also from Tonga)

Humpback Whales in Tonga

The Turtle Portrait (from Lady Elliott)

2nd favourite turtle photo

That Clownfish in Tulamben (or really anything from the photography workshop in Bali)


The Leafy Seadragon
(from our trip to Esperance, Western Australia)

Leafy Seadragon

Actually, to appreciate the Leafy shot you really need to understand the conditions.

The Stairs at Rye Pier (shot on our first outing with the new cameras)

Way out

The Five Shot Panorama from Lake Bonney (to prove that we spent some time out of the water this year)

Five Shot Pano

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