How to Photograph Vivid (Without Losing Your Mind)

(Location: Sydney, Australia) I had a work gig in Sydney, so I was up there almost every week for a month. This synchronised nicely with Vivid, the annual light/music/etc. festival. What we learned Crowds are less at the beginning of the festival Crowds are less later at night Crowds are less on Tuesdays and Wednesdays […]

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Taking the Train from Delhi to Ranthambore

Photographing wild tigers in India has been on our list for a while. We had a week off around Easter, and decided to spend the entire time Ranthambore National Park. Located in Rajasthan, it really isn’t easy to reach. You can drive (well, be driven) from Delhi in about 8 hours, or you can take […]

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Indian Visa on Arrival. Kind of.

I’ve been to India before. For work. The visa process is complicated and time consuming. It took two trips to the visa processing centre, and I needed a letter from my employer in India, and my employer in Australia. And because I am a US citizen living in Australia, that doubled the estimated four day […]

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Tigers in Ranthambore

(Location: Rajasthan, India) Ranthambore isn’t easy to get to, but it is one of the more likely places to see wild tigers so it’s been on our list for several years. Despite numerous challenges, we finally made it there and had some great sightings. The first challenge that we encountered was visa-related. When I’d planned […]

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Melbourne Photowalk

Sometime you ignore the stuff that is in your own backyard. We’re doing our best to play tourist in our home city, but sometimes a photowalk is a good excuse to get out the cameras. [RFG_gallery id=’53’]

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Swimming with Sea Lions

(Location: South Australia, Australia) For the long Labour Day weekend, we made a quick trip to Port Lincoln. Located in South Australia, Port Lincoln is a pretty easy trip from Melbourne (fly to Adelaide and then hop a prop-plane for another hour). We planned this at the last minute and had a VERY difficult time […]

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Tasmania – Much More than Devils

(Location: Tasmania, Australia) Each night, the ferry to Tasmania leaves from the pier near our house. It isn’t the most efficient way to get to Tassie, and it is probably cheaper to fly, but it’s a ferry to Tasmania that is walking distance. It had to be done. We booked the nicest cabin available for […]

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In Search of Wild Orangutans

(Location: Borneo, Indonesia) We saw a documentary on orangutans, and it was filmed at “Camp Leakey.” Some googling revealed that was located in the Indonesian part of Borneo. This is how we found ourselves on a klotok on the Sekonyer River looking for orangutans. It was another insane travel day to get from Cambodia to […]

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Exploring Angkor Wat (with 200k of our closest friends)

(Location: Siem Reap, Cambodia) Angkor Wat has been on our list for a while. We’d planned it a few times when we lived in the US. Even bought a guidebook at one point. We sold the guidebook as part of the purge before moving to Australia, so of course we finally go there a year […]

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Bagan. It’s in Myanmar.

(Location: Bagan, Myanmar) When we told people that we were going to Myanmar, the reactions were pretty classic. Most people didn’t know where it was and then said, “Oh, you mean Burma.” Most people asked “Why??” Bagan is just popping up on the tourist radar, and I hope the crowds don’t flock here and ruin […]

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