Our Story

Who are Andy and Jennifer Martin? Our story is anything but ordinary; we’ve charted our own course and opted for unconventional adventures. We’ve been to over 65 countries, and we love sharing the world that we’ve captured in pixels.

I was born in southern California, Andy grew up in Pennsylvania, and we met in North Carolina. We were married in the Bahamas, and lived in Chicago and Houston before moving to Melbourne, Australia for a work assignment. We’re now Australian citizens (and still American) and live in Sydney. And we recently celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary!



Andy and I have both been “doing photography” as long as we can remember. And we’re not young, so we’re talking film cameras and fragrant darkrooms.

Photography really clicked for us though when we shifted from film to digital. We started planning our holidays around going somewhere to photograph something: landscapes in the southwestern United States, polar bears in Canada, gorillas in Uganda, snow monkeys in Japan, the night sky in Namibia, humpback whales in Tonga, or sea lions in Australia.

We originally had the website whywework.com. It was easy to remember, and we both worked long hours in challenging jobs so traveling was pretty much…why we work. Our website was mainly a way to share our adventures with friends and family.

We changed hosting providers in 2013, and they royally screwed up the transfer so the website was offline for a while. In 2014 someone offered a large amount of money to buy the domain. While that URL was absolutely perfect, selling it funded a heap of travel. So now we’re Andy and Jennifer (.com). And they did nothing with the whywework domain.

What do you do with your images?

Over the years, we’ve met many interesting people and are frequently asked if we sell or exhibit our images. Photography has always been something that we did for ourselves. The stress of “getting the shot” or focussing on scenes and subjects that people would buy did not appeal to us. We also love many genres of photography and didn’t want to limit ourselves to one specialty.


Covid hit us pretty hard emotionally. While we were fortunate to be able to work from home, our travel wings were completely clipped. We spent a lot of lockdown buried in our Lightroom catalog, processing images we’d overlooked and reliving past experiences. And that’s when it hit us.


We love the process of creating, and create entirely for ourselves. Photography isn’t our primary profession, but we’re definitely photographers.


We started creating more and sharing more and that completely reinvigorated our creativity. Some of our work is available for sale, and if you don’t see the image you are looking for, please contact us.


We also have some images available as NFTs, which align with our minimalist lifestyle and blends our passion for photography and emerging technology. We’re building our blockchain legacy; a multi-genre collection collection of our top .01% – images from 20+ years of photography in 65+ countries. This extremely intentional collection of grail images will evolve over time to tell our story and will not be done until we are.

How many countries have you been to?

And for those of you who are counters – we’re at 68 countries. There may be a territory or two in this list, and Antarctica isn’t a country, but it’s our list so we can count how we want.

  1. Anguilla
  2. Antarctica
  3. Antigua
  4. Argentina
  5. Aruba
  6. Australia
  7. Bahamas
  8. Barbados
  9. Botswana
  10. Brazil
  11. British Virgin Islands
  12. Cambodia
  13. Canada
  14. Cayman Islands
  15. Chile
  16. China
  17. Cook Islands
  18. Costa Rica
  19. Dominica
  20. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  21. Ecuador
  22. Egypt
  23. Fiji
  24. France
  25. Germany
  26. Greece
  27. Honduras
  28. India
  29. Indonesia
  30. Ireland
  31. Italy
  32. Jamaica
  33. Japan
  34. Kenya
  35. Madagascar
  36. Malaysia
  37. Maldives
  38. Martinique
  39. Mexico
  40. Micronesia (Chuuk and Yap)
  41. Myanmar
  42. Namibia
  43. Netherlands
  44. Nevis
  45. New Zealand
  46. Palau
  47. Philippines
  48. Russia
  49. Rwanda
  50. Singapore
  51. Spain
  52. St. Kitts
  53. St. Lucia
  54. St. Martin/St. Maarten
  55. St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  56. South Africa
  57. South Korea
  58. Switzerland
  59. Tanzania
  60. Thailand
  61. Tonga
  62. Uganda
  63. United Arab Emirates
  64. United Kingdom
  65. United States
  66. Uruguay
  67. Vietnam
  68. Zambia